THE BLUECRATIC WAYBluecratic is designed to foster the development of global political, economic, and cultural integration, cooperation, and exchange. Rational individuals could ask whether humanity is ready to accept the global nation, the only one shared by all. However, this website's fundamental theories and applications are based on the notion that people need only recognize the unavoidable truths of human existence; our shared heritage and history, and the overwhelming political, cultural, and economic interdependence that permeates the existing global order.
The era of the Westphalian state and competitive internationalism is nearly over, and the time to rally around a common flag and engage in civilizational cooperation has arrived. Humanity is ready to begin the long process of national unity and political assimilation. One could even argue that some semblance of a world culture has been developing for decades. Bluecratic recognizes that essentials of nation-building include some symbols and emblems. For example, reference the colors and stripes of this site's logo, comprising a flag that humankind can rally behind. This flag represents a humble beginning in the journey towards some measure of human political, economic, and cultural unification and/or integration. The blue stripe represents the source of life that makes our planet so very special and beautiful, and the black reminds us of the vastness of space and call to adventure and exploration that is so irresistible to our species. This flag celebrates the common origins of humanity and the sanctity of all earthly life, especially human life and its predisposition for reason and innovation. The importance of global unity notwithstanding, it is evident from the organizational structure of Bluecratic that the relevance of local autonomy and governance will only increase. Humanity MUST remain skeptical of ANY effort to create an overarching world or regional polity that seeks to manage the affairs of billions of people in a centralized manner, even a virtual one (consider the path the European Union has taken in recent years towards increased institutional centralization). Thus, political decentralization and preference for local practices and solutions together constitute the philosophical foundation of this site. As a new sociopolitical system, Bluecratic must serve, care for, and protect our planetary home where the entirety of human history has been staged, while it embraces individual ingenuity and its offspring, the desire to expand the frontiers of knowledge. Bluecratic will thus be the premier forum for public voicing (contrary to the failures of social media), within a network of private, e-governing entities representing all citizens of the world, in fulfillment of everything the internet was meant to be but never was. It will eventually promote our mutual strength, knowledge, and pursuit of peace through cultural assimilation, scientific advancement, and the acceptance of universal, transcendental truths which have fostered our growth as a civilization throughout history. Scientific inquiry, political equality, pluralism, the rule of law, individual success, service to others, communal development, inter-cultural dialogue, and respect for traditional institutions and values, including the human family and organized religion, are all key narratives to be cherished by the Bluecratic process. Since an important function of this website is the promotion of public voicing, a better understanding of its nature is crucial for users. Public voicing is a structured method by which all people can engage the political process, subject to some measure of reliance on evidence-based research or reference to objective criteria and on the purest forms of political processes to date, representative governance and ballot initiatives. Even in nation-states that claim to be democratic in nature or that receive global recognition for high levels of freedom and stable electoral systems, inadequate representation and external pressures, especially pecuniary interests, tend to dilute the collective voice of the people and solidify the power of a few individuals (akin to oligarchic rule). Public voicing and increased levels of e-political participation should remedy some of these concerns. Perhaps the greatest feature of the Bluecratic system is its accommodation for faith, family, country, and reason, which are all uniquely characteristic of humanity. Sadly, the internet and social media have led to the continued promotion of impulsive, misguided, and false speech which, rather than enhancing the body politic, have diminished the democratization of global and local governance and led to censorship within the public and private realms of human socialization. An example of "faith" is easily discernable from a review of Bluecratic. While Western political philosophy has generally espoused a strict "separation of church and state," the Bluecratic system takes a different approach. Faith must have a seat at the proverbial roundtable where policy is debated, as a political union of all major religions would suffice. Reference the tab entitled "The Pillars" as an example of this effort. Moreover, in reference to the "family," consider that children as young as thirteen will be consulted where appropriate and given a voice in the affairs of the world, one they are destined to inherit one day (see the "Children's Assemblies" tab). Lastly, the concept of "country" permeates this entire website as individuals are taught to patriotically accept the call to honor, serve, and safeguard all communities throughout the world. In the final analysis, social media have caused hard power in the world to become more dominant in the lives of all people, and decreased the ability of world citizens to control the governing structures they live under or to understand the nature and function of government as a general matter. The Bluecratic system will correct these fundamental flaws and re-direct the internet in a more engaging, educational, and fulfilling manner. |