Professionals and those simply interested in sharing their own special expertise on a specific matter, whether it concerns medicine, law, home improvement, fixing cars, or cooking a special meal, can advertise their skills in this section. Video tutorials, similar to those that can already be found online, will be uploaded. The key difference being that the organization of these lessons will be more easily accessible, and a pecuniary purpose could also be designed for businesses to reach a larger audience. Another goal of this section will be to feature interactive opportunities, so that Bluecrats can share important information directly with one another (for a fee or without charge).
Professionals and those simply interested in sharing their own special expertise on a specific matter, whether it concerns medicine, law, home improvement, fixing cars, or cooking a special meal, can advertise their skills in this section. Video tutorials, similar to those that can already be found online, will be uploaded. The key difference being that the organization of these lessons will be more easily accessible, and a pecuniary purpose could also be designed for businesses to reach a larger audience. Another goal of this section will be to feature interactive opportunities, so that Bluecrats can share important information directly with one another (for a fee or without charge).